Payments 1.7.2024 to 30.9.2024 | Payments | 4/11/2024 | |
Payments from 1.4.2024 to 30.6.2024 | Payments | 16/7/2024 | |
Waste Transfer 2023/24 | Waste Transfer | 26/6/2024 | |
Grants to Voluntary and Community Groups 2023/24 | Grants | 26/6/2024 | |
Contracts 2023/24 | Contracts | 26/6/2024 | |
Land Register | Land Register | 31/5/2024 | |
Procurement Information 2023/24 - Invitation to Tender for contract | Procurement Information | 31/5/2024 | |
Car Parking Information updated for 2023-24 | Car Parking Information | 31/5/2024 | |
Senior Salaries 2023/24 | Salaries | 31/5/2024 | |
Payments over £500 for October 2023 to March 2024 | Payments over £500 | 31/3/2024 | |
Payments over £500 for July 2023 to September 2023 | Payments over £500 | 30/9/2023 | |
Payments over £500 for July 2023 to September 2023 | Payments over £500 | 30/9/2023 | |
Community Infrastructure Levy 2022/23 | Community Infrastructure Levy | 22/8/2023 | |
Payments over £500 April - June 2023 | Payments over £500 | 12/7/2023 | |
Payments over £500 from April 2023 to June 2023 | Payments over £500 | 30/6/2023 | |
Car Parking Information 2022/2023 | Car Parking information | 31/5/2023 | |
Grants and Donations over £500 | Grants awarded over £500 | 31/5/2023 | |
Procurement Information | Procurement Information | 31/5/2023 | |
Government Procurement Card Transactions | Government Procurement Card Transactions | 31/5/2023 | |
Salary and Organisational chart | Salary - Organisation Chart | 31/5/2023 | |
Register of Land | Town Council Land | 31/5/2023 | |
Payments over £500 | Payments over £500 | 30/5/2023 | |
Payments from January 2023 to March 2023 | Transparency | 19/4/2023 | |
Expenses for April - December 2022 | Payments | 10/2/2023 | |
Car Parking Information | Car Parking information | 4/8/2022 | |
Government Procurement Card Transactions | Government Procurement Card Transactions | 4/8/2022 | |
Procurement Information | Procurement Information | 4/8/2022 | |
Senior Salaries | Salary - Organisation Chart | 4/8/2022 | |
Payments over £500 for 01042021 - 31032022 | Payments over £500 | 21/6/2022 | |
Community Infrastructure Levy for 2021/22 | Transparency | 1/4/2022 | |
Notice of public rights and publications on unaudited annual govenrnance and accountability return | Transparency | 21/6/2021 | |
Local Authority Accounts Summary of your Rights | Transparency | 7/6/2021 | |
Salaries 2021 | Salary - Organisation Chart | 1/6/2021 | |
Car Parking | Car Parking information | 1/6/2021 | |
Procurement | Transparency | 1/6/2021 | |
Town Council Land | Town Council Land | 1/6/2021 | |
Grants and Donations | Grants awarded over £500 | 1/6/2021 | |
Payments made over £500 | Payments over £500 | 19/4/2021 | |
Community Infrastructure Levy for 2020/21 | Transparency | 1/4/2021 | |
Procurement Information | Procurement Information | 24/7/2020 | |
Payments Made | Payments | 24/7/2020 | |
Transparency Information | Transparency | 24/7/2020 | |
Community Infrastructure Levy for 2019/20 | Transparency | 1/4/2020 | |
Payments over £500 2018/19 | Payments over £500 | 21/6/2019 | |
Community Infrastructure Levy for 2018/19 | Transparency | 1/4/2019 | |
Car Parking Information | Car Parking information | 22/1/2019 | |
Governmnet Procurement Card Transactions | Government Procurement Card Transactions | 22/1/2019 | |
Salary - Organisation Chart and Pay Multiple 2018 | Salary - Organisation Chart | 22/1/2019 | |
Procurement Information | Procurement Information | 22/1/2019 | |
Town Council Land | Town Council Land | 22/1/2019 | |
Grants Awarded over £500 | Grants awarded over £500 | 22/1/2019 | |
Payments over £500 | Payments over £500 | 22/1/2019 | |
Cheques over £500 | Transparency | 18/5/2018 | |
Community Infrastructure Levy 2017/18 | Transparency | 1/4/2018 | |